Take Home Lessons On Martial law

by randall on October 17, 2022

Martial Law

Constitutional law, reaffirmed countless times both before and after the Milligan ruling, that the government is always constrained by the Constitution, no matter the circumstances. This conduct includes familiar incidents of war, such as the killing or indefinite detention of enemy soldiers. We are way to happy to put a bullet in someone trying to take our rights away. HRW, Ukraine: Apparent POW Abuse Would Be War Crime, 31 March 2022 ↩. Coupled with economic downturns, these factors fermented dissent in various sectors e. It’s all in your heads folks. The latest news, analysis, and data from the country each week. Since then, it has been declared multiple times, notably by President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War and by Governor Poindexter in Hawaii following the attacks on Pearl Harbor during World War II. Because Section 252 does not expressly authorize the displacement of civilian authorities, it should not be read as license to turn the normal relationship between civilian and military power on its head. ” The Senator said he had received a top secret military plan given by Marcos himself to place Metro Manila and outlying areas under the control of the Philippine Constabulary as a prelude to Martial Law. ” footnote30 wwhpw3j 30 Quirin, 317 U. Trump’s first national security adviser, attended a meeting in the Oval Office on Dec. Most of his weapons were rhetorical, featuring a mix of lies and false inducements—claims that every congressional Democrat had signed on to an “open borders” bill none had, that liberals were fomenting violent “mobs” they weren’t, that a 10 percent tax cut for the middle class would somehow pass while Congress was out of session it didn’t. And they do it for a hefty profit. OFPRA, Fact Finding Mission Report Ukraine, May 2017, ↩. Jesus Christ will soon return to judge the living and the dead. Raymond Bonner, in his book Waltzing with the Dictator, narrated his interview with Enrile, during which the former Defense Secretary recalled that he and Acting Executive Secretary Roberto Reyes witnessed Marcos sign Proclamation No. Lord Hope summarised the test as follows §110: “Leaving a state of war aside as it does not arise in this case, the wording of this article can be broken down into three parts, each of which can be put in the form of a question. “The Red Cross has obligations, primarily of a moral nature. 4 hazardous chemicals, radioactives, deadly poisons, etc. 6, 2021, a pro Trump mob stormed the U. Enrile recalled his convoy was driving out of Camp Aguinaldo when a car opened fire at his convoy and sped away.

Martial law Guides And Reports

Learn More About martial law

The Verkhovna Rada said in a statement on May 22 that the decision to extend martial law until at least August 23 came at the request of President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. As Justice Jackson explained in Youngstown, “the Constitution did not contemplate that the title Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy” would also mean the president was “Commander in Chief of the country, its industries and its inhabitants. 241 The third contention the Court overruled by declining to draw the line between the powers of Congress and the President in the premises,242 thereby, in effect, attributing to the President the right to amend the Articles of War in a case of the kind before the Court ad libitum. Boris Johnson is leading a crisis meeting of senior ministers and officials to consider how to respond to Vladimir Putin’s military action against Ukraine. Following World War II, the island of Taiwan came back to China’s control given the impending withdrawal of Japanese forces and colonial government. Get tailored advice and ask your legal questions. Kennedy deployed federalized National Guard troops to the University of Alabama to force its desegregation. In some jurisdictions, the courts have introduced new distinctions that permit the remedy of habeas corpus to coexist in a martial law environment. Covered Area: Seattle, Washington TerritoryState or Federal: Federal Duration: February 8, 1886 – February 22, 1886 15 days. The Insurrection Act is a law while “martial law” is a concept that doesn’t have a legal definition in the U. The military authority was the National Guard, controlled by the U. IF this happens it will be game over for America as we know and love it. Contemporary Polish society is divided in opinion on the necessity of introducing martial law in 1981. When Marcos appeared on television at 7:15 p. One of the reform proposals that has gained traction in Congress is to require a declaration of national emergency to terminate automatically after 30 days, unless Congress votes to approve it. 7363 “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Volunteering” to support volunteering” and Draft Law No. The federal government is bound at all times by the Constitution. Border with Mexico, deploying the army to enforce federal immigration laws and setting up military tribunals to prosecute alleged violators. Such actions, including a hypothetical presidential declaration of martial law that Congress has not authorized, would fall within Youngstown’s third zone. Please read our complete Disclosures and Privacy Policy for more information. Banks noted that the civilian in charge of the military — in this case, Defense Secretary Mark Esper — is the key to ensuring the military is kept out of the 2020 elections. In other words, when Congress and the president disagree, Congress wins. Generally, martial law means that the military takes over civilian control of the government, whereas the Insurrection Act applies to specific instances of rebellion or refusal to uphold the law and requires a state’s National Guard or the U. However, it is generally believed that the President and Congress both have the power to declare martial law if certain conditions are met. LĪHU’E – The County of Kaua’i is reminding the public that the deadline to file upcoming 2023 Real Property Tax Exemptions is September 30, 2022. In 1857, President James Buchanan sent the federal military into the Utah territory, thus starting the Utah War. The Provisional Government of the Republic of China promulgated the Provisional Constitution in March 1911, which authorized the President to declare martial law in times of emergency. Drones, armored vehicles with high power weapons, tanks, and battlefield helicopters are no longer something that you see on some foreign battlefield; it’s now standard operating procedure at police stations throughout the country. So what is the difference between the powers granted by the Insurrection Act of 1807, and malcolmmackillop.com the powers granted under Martial Law. KALĀHEO – The Department of Public Works and its contractor Maui Kupuno Builders are announcing that portions of Papalina Road in Kālaheo, from Waha Road to Kaumuali’i Highway, will be closed May 31 to June 13, on weekdays, from 8 a.

Martial law Once, Martial law Twice: 3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Martial law The Third Time

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In that hypothetical scenario, a federal court would likely apply Youngstown to decide whether the president had exceeded executive authority. The Captain General, in effect, was the commander in chief of the Spanish army and navy. The decision might well have rested on the ground that the Constitution is without restrictive force in wartime in a situation of this sort. By endorsing the constitutionality of martial law, the Supreme Court finished what Congress had started with the refund bill. “Now it is a full fledged military structure with its own hierarchy and control system. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Law on Military Duty and Military Service, 25 March 1992 ↩. Five years would lapse, and the Cleveland administration was replaced by President William McKinley. The Act was called a “last resort” when federal officials were looking at, but never acted on, using these powers in March 2020 to deal with the COVID 19 pandemic. Martial law was imposed in Beijing in 1989 following the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 by the Communist ruled government on mainland China. Bomb shelters, shelters and defense structures in the regions of Ukraine. Illegal’ protest spurs Ontario state of emergency. “A really important limitation in the event that there is martial law is that it’s highly unlikely to be tolerated in a situation where our civilian institutions are working,” Banks noted. Bush,250 the Court rejected an Executive Branch argument that foreign prisoners being held at Guantanamo Bay were outside of federal court jurisdiction. The State shall promote comprehensive rural development and agrarian reform. Relevant Presidential Proclamations or Executive Orders: NoneCivilians Tried by Military Tribunal.

Why Martial law Succeeds

U N votes 143 5 to condemn Russia’s Ukraine ‘illegal’ annexations

” Something bad is gonna’ happen very soon, seems like it. 3 The President shall nominate and with the consent of the Commission on Appointments of the National Assembly shall appoint the heads of the executive departments and bureaus, officers of the Army from the rank of colonel, of the Navy and air forces from the rank of captain or commander, and all other officers of the Government whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and those whom he may be authorized by law to appoint; but the National Assembly may by law vest the appointment of inferior officers, in the President alone, in the courts, or in the heads of departments. DOD approves FEMA requests for assistance for Louisiana, Maryland, and New Jersey National Guard Title 32 status. Read: The pandemic could change how Americans view government. The right to private life and to the privacy of communications Article 22; the right to the inviolability of home Article 24; freedom of expression, information and convictions Article 25; freedom of movement Article 32; freedom of association Article 35; and freedom of assembly Article 36. 49 Strikes began on March 19, 2011, involving the United States and a number of allied nations, mostly from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO. With the Marcoses back in the presidential palace, some survivors of martial law fear their stories will be lost. “He could immediately on his order seize every single one of these machines around the country on his order. As it applies to illegal immigrants or drug users have led some citizens to fear the imposition of martial law on the citizenry. Army infantryman died from injuries sustained during during a Russian attack in Luhansk. Concurring in part and dissenting in part. The American people are homeland security. Even in June, Milley understood that it was not just a matter of holding off Trump until after the Presidential election, on November 3rd. In the United States, citizens are expected to follow the laws and regulations put in place by Congress to ensure a functional society. In the biography of Chino Roces, Vergel Santos questioned the elements of the Enrile ambush: “Why inside a village and not on a public street, and why in that particular village. It really is up to you to determine what your needs are, and you’re only limited by your imagination. You have to deal with checkpoints, curfews, violent protests. “We will lift sanctions on all citizens of Ukraine who are ready to defend our country as part of territorial defence with weapons in hands. Former Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte declared martial law in 2017 across the southern third of the nation after militants tied to an Islamic State group beheaded a police chief, burned buildings and seized a Catholic priest. The 627th Army Field Hospital and 47th Combat Support Hospital deploy to Seattle.

You Will Thank Us - 10 Tips About Martial law You Need To Know


In response to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on New York City’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Washington, D. The exact scope and limits of martial law will thus remain dangerously unclear until Congress and state legislatures enact new laws that better define them. But the authorities will be likely to overlook most of the above places and ideas, so those will be a good place to start. On the other hand, the federal authorities are authorized to use the Army to enforce law and order when the Cantons no longer can or want to do so Ordnungsdienst. Bosnia’s Central Election Commission CIK issued an order on October 10 to recount all the votes for those positions after irregularities were noticed on election day, October 2, as well as in the days that followed. What happens if you can’t use your credit cards. Charli Carpenter is a professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, a senior research fellow at Harvard University’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, and director of Human Security Lab. When they violate these laws, most would expect to have to deal with law enforcement, which is required to prove that a crime had been committed before detaining someone or handing out a punishment. Footnote17 hw1c53y 17 Vladeck, “Field Theory,” 428–29; and Dennison, “Martial Law,” 76. But for those who don’t have the spirit will never understand unless the spirit lives in them because God can only be served by spirit and truth. We all know what is happening and if you don’t open your freaking eyes and don’t watch that bullshit news on TV cuz all it’s going to do is keep you blindsided. Fauci was ONLY DOING HIS JOB.

10 Creative Ways You Can Improve Your Martial law

What is martial law in simple terms?

They will say, “These are Trump judges, and they’ll do anything Trump wants them to do. Consider, for example, if the president were to declare martial law over the U. Attacks on Russian military enlistment centers have also spiked. Footnote23 sukfu5m 23 Debbie Jackson and Hilary Pittman, “Throwback Tulsa: Colorful ‘Alfalfa Bill’ Fell Short in Presidential Bid,” Tulsa World, July 14, 2016, 23b7bd2f 12ce 5415 a92f 937ecb40c0a6. And by the way, also a group that you need badly — you don’t really appreciate until you need them — is the firefighters. Civilians have ceded control of the country in exchange for the potential restoration of order, with the possibility that control may not be reclaimed in the future. The Supreme Court is empowered to review all official acts to determine if there has been grave abuse of discretion. Dicey, Introduction To The Study Of The Law Of The Constitution 283, 290 5th ed. The government is also designating and securing critical areas such as border crossings and airports. Making their way inland, the saboteurs were soon picked up by the FBI, some in New York, others in Chicago, and turned over to the Provost Marshal of the District of Columbia. Elmedia said in a Telegram post that the media outlet’s reporters discovered the broken doors and the inscription early on the morning of October 14 as they arrived to work. And it’s not just any person. However, unlike the situation with regular conscription, alternative service for conscientious objectors is not recognised at times of emergency mobilisation see Alternatives, Conscientious objection, and Search for conscripts. His essays can also be found at Chaunceydevega. “The basic idea is that when civil law can’t function, the military has to come in as expedient, to maintain order,” Geoffrey Corn, a professor at South Texas College of Law Houston and a former Army officer, explained via email in March. When martial law is in effect, military commanders, not elected officials, make laws; soldiers, not local police, enforce laws; and ordinary citizens accused of defying martial law might face military tribunals instead of civilian courts. “Dear Ukrainian citizens, this morning President Putin announced a special military operation in Donbas. Parliament had renewed emergency laws every three years since they were imposed. Martial law–also called martial rule–is a type of jurisdiction in which military authority temporarily replaces civil authority. Military members in a Title 10 federal activation status may not be involved in direct civilian law enforcement activities unless expressly authorized by the president, U. Let them know who you are. A special access regime is established for entry/exit in the city, district, region;. As Christians, it is our responsibility to believe what the Bible tells us, and heed the Lord’s instruction to be prepared. Justice Holmes derived this rule from two earlier Supreme Court decisions: Luther, 48 U. Even if a person is arrested or detained, he must be judicially charged within three days. Life as you know it is simply going to completely shut down as your city will come to resemble a war zone more than the peaceful and idyllic life you once knew. Typically, the imposition of martial law accompanies curfews; the suspension of civil law, civil rights, and habeas corpus; and the application or extension of military law or military justice to civilians. Many of the protections enshrined in the Constitution’s Bill of Rights reflect the hard lessons the Founders learned at the hands of British soldiers about the dangers of allowing the military to act as a domestic police force. In 1965, prior to the split in the PKP, the party had endorsed Marcos for president. ” Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 5th series, XII 1962, pp.

‘I Cannot Wait to Leave This Job,’ Said the Acting Defense Chief, a Week Before the Riot

World War II wasn’t the first time the territory was threatened with martial law, or racked with discrimination and suspicion based on race. I feel like i need to apologize for my generation. 5, 1973 chronicled that about six hours after the ambush, Marcos signed Proclamation No. Kelly announced late Thursday that he has rescinded an Obama era memo that sought to shield millions of parents of U. In the early years of the Supreme Court, the American judiciary embraced the latter theory as it held in Luther v. Writing for the majority, Chief Justice Roger Taney — of Dred Scott infamy — embraced Andrew Jackson’s idea that martial law allows civilians to be subjected to military jurisdiction in an emergency. Sign up for our trending newsletter to get the latest news of the day. Tired of seeing banner ads on Urban Milwaukee. The saboteurs were invaders; their penetration of the boundary of the country, projected from units of a hostile fleet, was essentially a military operation, their capture was a continuation of that operation. Marshall imposed martial law on Lexington, Kentucky, in order to suppress a lynch mob attempting to storm the courthouse. At the state level, martial law was last declared in 1963, when Maryland Governor J. It has been declared at least 68 times in the U. He declared that the federal courts had no power to review his decision. The 159,000 Hawaii residents of Japanese descent 124,000 American citizens and 35,000 aliens made up almost half of Hawaii’s population. ” A more recent Defense Department regulation stated,. That what you said does make a lot of sense. If both Houses ofParliament concur in such a motion, the order or regulation would be deemed revoked on theday specified in the motion, not to be earlier than the day of the vote of concurrence s. 262 The other instances were in domestic disturbances at the request of state governors. Senate and House leaders agreed not to adjourn on this day, as earlier scheduled. Precipitating Event: Colorado labor wars. 243 Ex parte Quirin, 317 U. However, while Congress has passed a multitude of laws related to domestic military deployment, these laws do not only create restrictions. In 2020, state governors deployed the National Guard to gatherings that protested police violence and to assist with COVID 19 relief. According to voting regulations, votes for an individual candidate must also be entered in the official register as votes for the candidate’s party. For the most part, however, the rights conferred by the Constitution are not absolute. According to Article 8 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights UDHR, “Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law”. Together, the two laws form the Emergency Preparedness Act. Misuses of martial law were not confined to Georgia.

What is martial law in simple terms?

“The machines are done. On July 15, 2016, the Peace at Home Council was said to have implied martial law in a broadcast on TRT during the 2016 Turkish coup d’état attempt. Very few presidents think that way. The Posse Comitatus Act also does not apply when National Guard forces are activated in what is known as Title 32 status, in which the troops remain subject to state command and control, but are used for federal missions and are typically paid for by the federal government. If a situation exists that requires the military to serve in a law enforcement role, it must be authorized in writing by the president or, in an emergency, by the local military commander. 5M received in the United States. 260 United States Adjutant General, Federal Aid in Domestic Disturbances 1787– 1903, S. Permits from the military governor had to be procured to travel more than a given distance from a person’s registered place of residence, and curfew, administrative detentions, and expulsions were common. “I am directing the Commissioner of CBP and the Director of ICE to immediately engage with the Governors of the States adjacent to the land border with Mexico and to those states adjoining such border States for the purpose of entering into agreements of section 287g of the INA to authorize qualified members of the state National Guard, while such members are not in federal service, or qualified members of a state militia or state defense force under the command of the Governor, to perform the functions of an immigration officer in relation to the apprehension, investigation and detention of aliens in the United States. The Trump administration has ordered a review of federal rules that prevent hunters from killing bears and wolves using techniques many people consider extreme: baiting the animals with greasy doughnuts, ambushing mothers with pups in dens and shooting animals from boats while the bears are swimming. The next day, Trump’s latest chief of staff, Mark Meadows, called the Defense Secretary at home—three times—to get him to recant his opposition to invoking the Insurrection Act. “A really important limitation in the event that there is martial law is that it’s highly unlikely to be tolerated in a situation where our civilian institutions are working,” Banks noted. He did not define what restrictive measures would be put in place while the law is active.

Proclamation no 1081 eloquently described a state of lawlessness that had gripped the country and place the Filipino people in peril

There are now rumors that the travel ban and conscription policy might be extended to women as well in October. I would shoot them too if they were dumb enough to follow through with something they know is wrong. “That would depend on what, exactly, were to happen, Chesney wrote. Declaring Authority: See notesTerminating Authority: See notes. At 635–38 Jackson, J. 109–366, to also apply to pending cases where a detainee had been determined to be an enemy combatant. It was enjoined by both state andfederal courts, but Rivers did not concede defeat until the Georgia Supreme Court ruled against him on April 10, 1940. When men are forced to stay, families often stay, too. See more words from the same year. Discussing whether then President Trump should have invoked it following the Capitol riot. Justice David Davis wrote: “The Constitution of the United States is a law for rulers and people, equally in war and in peace, and covers with the shield of protection all classes of men, at all times, in all circumstances. The landfill will be closed to the public at noon. Related Litigation: Cox v. But there are others.


Soldiers up and down the ranks are scared about hurting someone. ” The group’s leader, Ilimbek Israilov, threatened to “burn down” the RFE/RL office. In other cases, the military takes over some tasks, and leaves others in the hands of civil authorities. Cited as one of the bloodiest incidents of political violence in Philippine history, the massacre was condemned worldwide as the worst loss of life of media professionals in one day. OUP is the world’s largest university press with the widest global presence. It awakened something that I don’t think will be quieted for a long, long time,” Biden said in his remarks. Larry Hogan said Sunday his National Guard troops were ready to assist but he could not get approval to cross over into the district. Though martial law is technically allowed by the U. 13 1935; and Joyner v. Pick something that you care about. Their extent must be determined by their nature, and by the principles of our institutions. Borders, it’s usually done in a particular state by the governor, who also functions as commander in chief of the state’s National Guard forces. Do you think the walmart are closing because of the economy. One of the sources said Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Andrew Furey were supportive but other premiers wanted to ensure that any response was proportional and worried about emboldening angry protesters. With all these checks and balances, martial law can only be declared when there is sufficient factual basis to declare it, as competently reviewed by the Supreme Court. 1081, he framed his announcement in legalistic terms that were untrue. The recent revision of the law regulating Ukraine’s military reserves dramatically expanded the number of professions that qualify for mandatory registration with the armed forces. Mason declared a state of martial law and placed General Philip Sheridan in charge of the city on October 9, 1871. There are examples of this system being used to intimidate or coerce individuals in civil litigations. Meanwhile, hackers knocked the fundraising site GiveSendGo offline in an attack targeting a campaign that raised at least $8. The demonstrators gathered near Bishkek’s railway station on October 14 and marched to the parliament building in the city’s central square chanting “Freedom of speech. Bush deployed the National Guard to help state and local law enforcement suppress riots in Los Angeles. “It would not take much to upset the current understanding of the First Amendment. But it is clear that such a power, if it existed, would have to be exercised within the bounds of the Constitution, and the military’s actions would be subject to judicial review. Currently being trained in Poland. “We believe that the arming of each side of the crisis will prolong the war,” the Iranian foreign minister said in a call with his Portuguese counterpart, Joao Gomes Cravinho. By the Order of the Ministry of Defense of October 11, 2021, No. And why is the popular conception of farmers all wrong. Under Article 2 of the Constitutional Law on regulating of implementation of human rights and liberties in the Republic of Azerbaijan rights provided for by Article 27 except the cases of death as a result of war conducted in accordance with the law, part I of Article 28, part III of Article 46, Article 63, Article 64 and part VIII of Article 71 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan are non derogable rights and no reservations are applicable to them. This tweet is fabricated.


1 1967; Department of Agriculture v. Writing for the majority, Chief Justice Roger Taney — of Dred Scott infamy — embraced Andrew Jackson’s idea that martial law allows civilians to be subjected to military jurisdiction in an emergency. LĪHU’E – The Agency on Elderly Affairs is encouraging the public to participate in two surveys that will help assess the needs of our aging population. Who stole my cartoons. On July 2, the President appointed a military commission to try them for violation of the laws of war, to wit: for not wearing fixed emblems to indicate their combatant status. Maximo Soliven and Amando Doronila had already been rounded up, starting with the arrest of Senator Aquino at midnight on September 22, and going into the early morning hours of September 23, when 100 of the 400 personalities targeted for arrest were already detained in Camp Crame by 4 a. While ascertaining the real intention of Marcos for imposing military rule is a subject of endless debate between opposing views, the result is obvious: the Martial Law regime prolonged and centralized the far reaching presidential powers and privileges of Marcos for a total of 21 years i. There are some really lousy doctors. 253 In addition, the Court found that statutory grounds existed for the extension of habeas corpus to these prisoners. The law says that job is left to state and local police and National Guard personnel, even in an emergency like the one we now face. Shall have the same force and effect within the said Territory as elsewhere in the United States. Footnote23 sukfu5m 23 Debbie Jackson and Hilary Pittman, “Throwback Tulsa: Colorful ‘Alfalfa Bill’ Fell Short in Presidential Bid,” Tulsa World, July 14, 2016, 23b7bd2f 12ce 5415 a92f 937ecb40c0a6. You won’t survive, but you just might reduce their numbers a bit thus possibly saving others lives in the process. Was still able to deliver a privilege speech—what would be his final one—in the Senate. There has been speculation about one being set up after Trump was banned from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and others here , here , here. Yeah good luck fighting the military and stop all this crazy talk and get in your minds people respect policemen and all war vets or military officals you don’t wanna burn bridges you cant build again. When Marcos appeared on television at 7:15 p. In the biography of Chino Roces, Vergel Santos questioned the elements of the Enrile ambush: “Why inside a village and not on a public street, and why in that particular village. Jackson argued that his actions were justified because the government in New Orleans had ceased to function as a result of the impending British attack, leaving the military as the only body able to protect the city. The ECHR, including article 15, has been incorporated into Danish law in 1992. These decisions are not about martial law. By Michèle Flournoy and Anshu Roy. 6 other cases in which firearms and other weapons may be used according to law or administrative regulations.

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According to the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. The degree of control might vary a nation may have acivilian legislature but have the courts administered by the military. “All forms of energy”. A representative of one NGO told me their organization had raised concerns about LGBTQI Ukrainians and forced conscription in its advocacy messages, but it had been unsure exactly what to ask of the Ukrainian government. News StaffJuly 6, 2021. “It’s not one single page, it’s not one single account, it’s not one single group. States — and state governors in particular — have declared martial law far more often than the federal government. All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes.

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