20 Myths About Hillary Clinton in 2021

by randall on April 30, 2023

Homes Where the Clintons Have Lived

Click the tiles below to learn more about the 2016 presidential candidates’ positions on foreign affairs and national security. Technical users can also use Tails to help ensure you do not leave any records of your submission on the computer. To find out if you are eligible for an Artnet News Pro group subscription, please contact. We do assess that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial e mail accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact from her personal account. This lawsuit seeks to hold all parties accountable for their heinous acts and uphold the principles of our sacred democracy,” Habba said. To keep reading this editorial, please download the file below. Brazile writes that she considered a dozen combinations to replace the nominees and settled on Biden and Sen. So it seems to be part of the political climate now that is just going to have to be dealt with.

Sins Of Hillary Clinton

Tabloid publisher granted immunity in Cohen case

They offer the pursuit of power for power’s sake, wielded benevolently over others. But his vote total was less than what Romney received in 2012 — yet Trump carried the state while Romney lost it by over 200,000 votes. “I think it really should be a matter of what he has done as hillarytranscriptclock.com/ president. Just outside Fayetteville, I came to a stop sign I had dealt with dozens of times before. As Thursday’s Benghazi hearing entered the ninth of its 11 hours, Rep. NBC News counted 145 mentions of WikiLeaks by Trump in the last month of the race. ” But this last example undermines the argument that it is necessary to support a candidate in order to pressure him or her, since Ehrenreich et al are presumably not arguing that progressives should have joined the “Nixon coalition. 1994: Amid the Whitewater affair, Clinton makes a rare solo appearance before White House reporters, in what becomes known as the ” Pink Press Conference” for the color of her outfit. ” Obama campaign strategist turned pundit David Axelrod gave an interview claiming that while Clinton “said the words ‘I’m responsible’.

9 Ridiculous Rules About Hillary Clinton

The Queen’s encounters with American presidents during her reign

The idea that Brazile had it in her power to do this but had mercy on Clinton’s followers. After singing the Cohen classic in a pantsuit, McKinnon turned towards the camera, saying: “I’m not giving up, and neither should you,” before abruptly breaking character to give the usual “live from New York. But as democratic institutions began to fail, workers would begin to realize that governments were “not even trying to prevent wages from sinking or jobs from being exported”, Rorty wrote. “That tells you everything you need to know about Republican strategy for 2024. After growing pressure, Clinton asked the State Department to release her emails. Thanks for joining us. Please use Chrome browser for a more accessible video player. Before long, they were despondent. Simon Dumenco, aka Media Guy, is an Ad Age editor at large. “I think around now, what is considering is how to throw more bodies, and that’s what they will be – bodies of Russian conscripts – into the fight in Ukraine,” Clinton said. Bush followed suit after scoring fourth place to Trump, Rubio, and Cruz in South Carolina. Considering a VAP of 250. “What might work in New York City is certainly not going to work in Montana. The following table displays the final winning probabilities given by each outlet, along with the final electoral result. And if she had somehow done all of that, there would still be some essential quality she lacked, in many people’s minds, because we simply had no template for a female president. You can filter the search using a date in the following format: YYYY MM DD Example: 2009 01 01 to 2009 12 31 will return all the documents from 2009, 2009 10 01 to 2009 10 31 all the documents dated October 2009. Photo by Joseph Sinnott. When I thought about my talents objectively, I guessed that I possessed a combination of analytical ability and people sense that was somehow special. Raymond Arroyo responded: “It makes it seem like you’re creating organizations to change the core beliefs of the church,” he said.

El candidato con mayor votos en el condado Miami Dade de Florida fue Hillary Clinton del partido democrata

” He also said the Democratic National Committee might have been hacked on multiple occasions by different intruders. There’s barely an aspect of public life that is not subject to intense criticism. Lincoln Chafee talks about Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren on Wednesday. As soon as they crossed the street, Vanegas broke down as well and embraced his friend. We have ratified free trade agreements with Colombia and Panama. Landler: I think you’re absolutely right. “In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation,” Comey wrote. Now, if you are just watching on television, or you’re not from around here and you’re trying to figure out, well, where else could I vote. Initially, Trump won exactly 100 more Electoral College votes than Mitt Romney had in 2012, with two lost to faithless electors in the final tally. Those with A minus ratings or better. Clinton, who party strategists hope will be compelled to run by the void she would fill, has been the only Democrat besides Obama who’s been a major target for Republicans the past year. The tightest battleground race between the two frontrunners was in Iowa, where Clinton led Trump by a weighted 4 percentage points.

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Updated 05/08/20 09:44 PM EDT. The danger, as we see in this election, is that this imperils valuable electoral real estate. Support our mission and help keep Vox free for all by making a financial contribution to Vox today. The margin of error was 3. She has, however, said that she now “regrets” her vote, which she refers to as a “mistake. Similarly, the field of political discourse is easily identifiable as well. In order to win the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, a candidate needed to win 2,382 delegate votes at the national convention. Many people have benefited from globalization and modern technology, and not just the rich. Hillary and Bill Clinton have argued that Sanders’ push deeply wounded her campaign against Trump. Hillary Clinton was a U. We had agreed to share the restaurant’s signature apple pie but it is so gigantic that Clinton balks at the sight. Indeed, Trump fired off 138 tweets and retweets in the final 12 days of the contest, and none were controversial — which allowed his campaign to keep the focus on Clinton, and away from its candidate. The study tracks news coverage from the second week of August 2016 to the day before Election Day. What she did was wrong. A: Whales have been dying at an unusual rate along the Atlantic Coast since 2016, often from ship strikes or entanglements with fishing gear. By most accounts, oil from tar sands is 15 to 20 percent dirtier than conventional petroleum, and the process of extracting and refining it is more difficult and resource intensive. EmailStay ConnectedGet FBI email alertsSubscribeNo Thanks×. Ngati analephera munthu kulosera zakugwa kwa church yake nde akalosere zamavoti. Bush followed suit after scoring fourth place to Trump, Rubio, and Cruz in South Carolina. We accept credit card, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. National publications including Fortune and The Wall Street Journal, however, attributed the dispute less to “corporate racism or malevolence” than “inept negotiating. The gold standard poll in Wisconsin showed Clinton leading Trump by 6 points in the state. After more than a year of campaigning, the Iowa Caucuses will finally be here and the full focus of America will be right in our backyard. Robert Torricelli, was accused of ethics violations and withdrew from the race 36 days before election day—15 days past the statutory deadline. Clinton, said, “I’m proud of Hillary Clinton because she has been and is a great history maker,” pointing to her long career of public service. Tails will require you to have either a USB stick or a DVD at least 4GB big and a laptop or desktop computer. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. She was a friend of the late Ambassador Chris Stevens and was with him in Tripoli two months prior to his murder in Benghazi. But faced with a growing protectionist backlash—some 53 percent of Americans now believe that free trade kills more jobs than it creates—Clinton has retreated behind the paper thin refrain that “I do not currently support it as it is written. Unfortunately, this is not the first political statue to pop up during this presidential election.

The kids are not alright opinion

Can you make the case for how such policies would be good for the U. According to the film’s director, Nadia Hallgren, she had “never seen anything like that energy before. Clinton peppers the book with references to books that she thinks help explain Trump’s rise and how America should respond to it as well as poems, novels and essays that inspired her and helped her cope with her loss. Required fields are marked. They are of concern only to people in Washington and a small set of good government types around the country. Get a roundup of the most important and intriguing national stories delivered to your inbox every weekday. Hillary Clinton is an American lawyer and politician who served as the 67th United States Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013. If I got beaten as badly as I beat him, and all the other candidates he endorsed, I would not be able to give my support either,” he said in a statement. Compared to Trump’s sketched out equivalent, a tax deduction that would deliver most of its benefits to the wealthy, Clinton’s plan would fight poverty and boost the middle class. In October of 1860, James Russell Lowell, the founding editor of The Atlantic, warned in these pages about the perishability of the great American democratic experiment if citizens at the time, white, male citizens were to cease taking seriously their franchise. 8 million overall vote margin over Trump, but rather on about 78,000 votes from only three counties in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. On March 8, despite never having a lead in the Michigan primary, Sanders won by a small margin of 1. Second, line attorneys at the DOJ did not want to charge Hillary Clinton. Become an NPR sponsor. 9 million in total taxes, according to a tax return posted on the campaign’s website. The other was how Trump, uncharacteristically, stayed on message. BuzzFeed helpfully chronicled the top “eight people who thought Hillary Clinton was faking her concussion” because she did not want to testify before Congress on the Benghazi attacks.


They shouldn’t have to do that. It was one of Karan’s “cold shoulder” dresses, inspired, Karan once noted, because a woman’s shoulders remain sensuous and appealing regardless of her age. Clinton and Trump each won a congressional district, Trump won one that elected a Democrat. 2001, has in recent months used most of his public appearances to speak out about the importance of bipartisanship. And believe me, this country thinks it’s disgraceful — really thinks it’s disgraceful, also. Clinton will be joined by the music superstars at a rally at Cleveland State University heading into the final weekend before Election Day. “I know that so many of us hoped by electing our first black President we had turned the page on this chapter in our history. That Poll of Polls shows Clinton ahead 48% to Trump’s 39%. ISBN 10: 1425967590ISBN 13: 9781425967598. Republican nominee Donald Trump’s campaign quickly used reports of the 30 Benghazi related emails to blast Clinton for deleting around half of her emails in 2014. ” Those hacked emails, dripped out over weeks, says Clinton, “were innocuous, boring, inconsequential. She approved drone strikes. But she lost the general election to Donald Trump. Mr Trump favours cutting taxes for everyone and reducing the number of tax brackets from seven to three. No one wants their personal emails made public, and I think most people understand that and respect that privacy. We must not let her take her criminal scheme into the Oval Office,” Trump said. Meanwhile Clinton, known for guarding a zone of privacy around her, was unusually candid. Following this, Odom says: “I don’t like jokes like that, Bill. Bradley Moss, a Washington based lawyer who works on national security cases, said the cases of Clinton and Trump are significantly different. That distinction will be blurred in a Trump presidency. When creating a company, we intended to gather like minded people who seek to help students with their studying problems. ” In the midst of explaining a major gaffe she has to remind us that “I got to work developing the detailed plan to invest $30 billion in revitalizing coal communities. 14Almanac of American Politics, 2008: 1131. But during the first general election presidential debate, in Hempstead, New York, the real estate mogul vowed to release his tax returns “against my lawyer’s wishes” if Clinton releases emails she deleted from a private server she used while she was secretary of state. But while it is rare that people will compare a male politician they do not like to their fathers Kamarck noted that Clinton “reminds people of their mothers, or the schoolteacher they didn’t like. “I’ve lost a lot of friends to the struggle,” he said. Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate. Clinton also touched on the attitudinal problems, not just institutional ones, she believes reinforce sexism today. Clinton also reacted to Senator Ted Cruz of Texas being booed off the stage in Cleveland after he urged the crowd to “vote your conscience” while withholding his endorsement of Trump during a primetime speech on Wednesday. Laughter and applause.

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Abbas swears in Hamas cabinet ministers. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. When I asked Obama in January whether the 74 year old senator reminded him of himself in 2008, the president quickly shot me down: “I don’t think that’s true”. 8 percent/FiveThirtyEight forecast: Clinton 64. To that end, Clinton brought Dick Morris back into his strategy team. But still, as I laid out at a speech at the Brookings Institution last year, it’s not good enough to trust and verify. Not both sides ism and not false equivalency. The judge deferred to the defendant’s wishes for a female attorney and assigned the case to Clinton. 2 After earning a bachelor’s degreein political science, Clinton completed a law degree atYale Law School in 1973. Only, one existential clause was found in this section of the debate, uttered by Clinton: “And there is existential no evidence whatsoever”. The thing about historic firsts is that there is no standard by which to judge them. For example, we talked about doing a section at the top of debate two, where Trump had paraded out three women who had accused Bill Clinton , because there were some interesting things going on with gender there. Engel, Democrat of New York, who previously criticized the inspector general’s office as politicized, called the report a “hatchet job.


They did not believe they were going to win. She then joined Yale Law College. Talking straight and honestly is the show that the public is increasingly ready for, supported by a clear philosophy of government and ambition for the country. Follow him on Twitter @ezraklein. Biden called transgender rights “the civil rights issue of our time” and also expressed his support for allowing their service in the military. “We have a National Archives and Records Administration, where everything goes and then it gets transferred to a presidential library. That special prosecutor later became Ken Starr, and he was given all the powers of an independent counsel, which led to the discovery of Monica Lewinsky and President Clinton’s impeachment for perjury and obstruction of justice, none of which were related to the original question of whether there was something funky about this real estate deal. US society is growing more diverse and the world is growing more dangerous. Nothing Clinton says or intends to do if elected will fundamentally transform the circumstances of the most vulnerable in this country—even with her concessions to the Sanders campaign. With the avenue for action largely obstructed in Congress, Clinton has already signaled that she’s prepared to cut Congress loose and redirect energies to the executive branch and the judiciary, where should would have the opportunity to change the balance of the Supreme Court. It’s pretty rare that you aren’t working closely with labor in a campaign, especially for statewide office.

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If she gets knocked down, she gets back up. It is also likely that there are other work related e mails that they did not produce to State and that we did not find elsewhere, and that are now gone because they deleted all e mails they did not return to State, and the lawyers cleaned their devices in such a way as to preclude complete forensic recovery. On occasion, between now and November, Biden will garble his words in an interview or make some public statement that many people will struggle to understand. Sparring with BlackLivesMatter demonstrators who interrupted him in Philadelphia Thursday, former President Bill Clinton defended Hillary Clinton’s controversial “super predators” remark about black male suspects, and said the 1996 welfare reform bill he signed into law triggered “the largest drop in African American poverty in history. Clinton said she TiVos the show while on the road, adding, “I especially liked the story about the first lady running for Senate. The unpredictable ride of eighth seeded Miami continues, as the Heat push the Knicks to the brink. We searched through all of it to see what was there, and what parts of the puzzle could be put back together. “It should start in the Republican Party,” Clinton continued. Example: will filter results to exclude emails TO. Mr Sanders’ name recognition and base of support among the party’s left has catapulted him towards the front of the pack. While Clinton sent twice as many tweets as Trump did during the three months, Trump’s tweet received in average three times as many favorites and retweets as Clinton’s. Eurovision: Everything you need to know. “The investigation is the biggest political scandal since Watergate, and it’s everybody’s hope that justice at last can be delivered. I love being here with smart, tough women. She has committed to continue working directly with us, to honor the special trust relationship between Indigenous peoples and the federal government, and to open the door and welcome Native Americans into her Administration with respect and a genuine commitment to working together.


There are no tanks in the streets. All 435 House seats and thirty four Senate seats will be up for grabs. They married in 1975. Department of Health and Human Services HHS. Of course, what voters didn’t know until after the election: The FBI, for months, had been investigating the Trump campaign’s ties with Russia. Melina Mara/The Washington Post/Getty Images. Officials from Westchester County and Long Island are resisting the effort. Trump won 14 of 27 congressional districts, while Clinton won 13, including two held by Republicans. In interviews over the past year, former Obama administration officials and CIA officials have conceded that this strategic confusion—possibly even a state of denial about how bad things were as Obama sought to play up his foreign policy achievements in the 2012 election—may have led to a sense of complacency about security in Libya. ” “There are existential several thousand fighters in Mosul. Ankagonana ndimai ako kuti uziti your father. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. The American public deserves it. Clinton has embraced her role as the first female nominee for president from a major political party. Content outside of the embargo period is updated and made available regularly. And in comments seized on by the Republican National Committee, Clinton said she had won sections of the country with more economic output and attributed some of Trump’s insurgent victory to a series of social and economic anxieties and discriminatory attitudes among his supporters. And is that happening in a coherent way. Clinton will support leg­­islation to end racial profiling and introduce sentencing reforms to end our shocking era of mass incarceration. By Matthew Daly, Associated Press. Code 18 after more than 30,000 emails, which her legal team erroneously deemed personal in nature, were deleted from a server. Pelosi endorses Biden as ‘voice of reason and resilience’ for US president. OTTAWA — Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, the first woman to run as a major party candidate for United States president, will headline the Liberal Party of Canada’s national convention on May 5.


Those are the values she wants to summon for all of us to make this country better. ALSO READ: FBI interview Clinton over email scandal. But the office still appears less than fully functional. In a bruising primary campaign against rival Bernie Sanders, she also made enemies on the left, one of whom, Andrew Levine, a Senior Scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies, told the BBC he would “swim through vomit” before voting for her. The special counsel team has previously said that the Clinton campaign’s media blitz around the Slate story “is the very culmination of Mr. The winner of the statewide vote gets two additional electoral votes. There is also a time lag in posting the information. Find out more and join our 100,000 Women Campaign now. Coding of individual actors e. The former secretary of state did not formally say whether she supported same sex marriage at all until March 2013, when she appeared in an online video released by the LGBT advocacy group Human Rights Campaign HRC. No reasonable person would consider this offensive.

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She has said she would stand up to the National Rifle Association as president. ” in unison, she wouldn’t win. You may also need permission from holders of other rights, such as publicity and/or privacy rights. Trump has seized on emails released over the past several weeks from Mrs. “Now, I can find, you know, 15 people in the Florida Panhandle that I would never buy a TV commercial for. But you also need policing. The Republican ticket of businessman Donald Trump and Indiana governor Mike Pence defeated the Democratic ticket of former secretary of state and First Lady of the United States Hillary Clinton and the United States senator from Virginia Tim Kaine, in what was considered one of the biggest upsets in American political history. The fact that independent reporting vindicated the administration didn’t help, as conservatives see the mainstream media as hopelessly in the tank for the president.

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